When was Acorda incorporated, and in which state?

Acorda Therapeutics, Inc. was incorporated in 1995 in Delaware.

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When was Acorda founded?

Acorda was founded in 1995.

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Where are Acorda's headquarters?

Acorda’s headquarters are located at:
2 Blue Hill Plaza, 3rd Floor
Pearl River, NY 10965.

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Who are the members of Acorda's Board? Senior Management?

For a full listing of Acorda’s Board of Directors click here.

For a full listing of Acorda’s Senior Management Team click here.

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Who is Acorda's external legal counsel? Independent auditors?

Acorda’s external legal counsel is the law firm of Covington and Burling, Ernst & Young is Acorda’s independent audit firm.

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When does Acorda's fiscal year end?

Acorda’s fiscal year ends December 31.

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Who is Acorda’s transfer agent?

As of November 2014, Computershare is Acorda’s transfer agent. For more information, please visit Computershare at: https://www.computershare.com/us/investor-inquiries

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What is Acorda's ticker symbol? CUSIP #?

Acorda’s ticker symbol is ACOR. Our CUSIP # is 00484M700.

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What stock exchange is Acorda listed on?

Acorda is listed on the NASDAQ exchange.

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